Student Farmer Medical Aid Scheme


This is a special student medical aid package for all agricultural training colleges in Zimbabwe. In order to ensure that students can seek and easily obtain medical treatment and advice with minimum disruption to their class attendance and studies.


It is open and restricted to all students studying at Agricultural Training Colleges in Zimbabwe. Each student will be issued with a membership card whose validity will cover the full academic time. The membership card must always be in the student’s possession when seeking treatment.


They are paid to the college by students for remittance to the Society. The contributions will cover students during term time, vacation and while on industrial attachment.

Objectives of the Package

The package’s main objectives to the college principals, students and parents include the following:

The principals

  • To eliminate the urgent out of pocket expense incurred by principals whenever a student falls sick
  • To give peace of mind to principals from knowing that in case of ill-health or injury students will get medical treatment through medical aid cover without calling upon the parent to cover treatment costs
  • To assist principals in promoting wellness among students and  reduce class absenteeism due to ill health

The Students

  • To promote general wellness among students and boost hours of class attendance
  • To eliminate delays in treatment and harboring of diseases due to lack of money to fund treatment
  • To give peace of mind from knowing that there is a guaranteed easy terms of access to quality healthcare

The parents

  • To give peace of mind from knowing that in case of ill health, the child will have access to treatment without delay and that there will be no need to visit home for treatment

Medical Benefits

All medical benefits will be paid up to the Annual Global Limit given on the benefits summary and available from the society on request. Medical treatment available from the Society on request. Medical treatment available to students during term time, vacation and industrial attachment include the following:

A. Government, Mission and Municipal Hospitals and Clinics

Paid in full as charged and not exceeding the laid down fees including those in the Zimbabwe Relative Value Schedule (ZRVS) for out admission in a general ward and use of theatre.

B. Medical Doctors

Services rendered by medical doctors resident at government, mission and municipal hospitals and clinics are paid in full as charged.

C. Drugs

In hospital drugs, to-take-out drugs and out-patient drugs are paid in full as prescribed.

D.Ambulance Services

Use of government, mission and municipal ambulance will be paid for full as charged for evacuation to hospital or clinic and for hospital inter-transfers.


Paid in full at government, mission and municipal pathology centre


Paid in full at government, mission and municipal radiology centre


Paid in full at government, mission and municipal physiotherapy centre

H. Spectacles and Eye Refraction

Paid in full at government, mission and municipal optical clinic

I. Blood Transfusion Services

Paid in full at government, mission and municipal hospital and clinic

J. Dental Benefits

Paid in full at government, mission and municipal dental centre

Medical Benefit Exclusions

The following medical benefits are not covered by the package

A. Maternity Care

B. Foreign treatment

C. Medical tests not related to treatment

D. Services by herbalists, traditional healers, hypnotists, naturopaths, homeopaths, chiropractors, acupuncturists.

E. Dental treatment covering crowns, bridges, inlays and orthodontics.

F. Private general practitioners and private medical specialists consultations.

G. Private radiology

H. Private pathology

I. Private physiotherapy

J. Orthopaedic and prosthetic appliances obtained from private suppliers.

K. Hyperalimentation or total parental nutrition.

L. Optical appliances and eye tests obtained from private suppliers.

M. Any other benefits not listed as a benefit.

General Information

A. Any queries you may have regarding benefits covered and not covered should be directed to the Society’s Claims and Benefits Department contactable on the given contact details.

B. This information does not super-cede the package’s rules on claims and membership including the society’s constitution.

C. Claims settlement advice slips are sent to the Principal of the Colleges for distribution to students.

Contribution Rate

Student Farmer Membership


Your Plan

Disk Space





For the Beginner



COVER DURING Industrial Attachment




For the Beginner



COVER DURING Industrial Attachment





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