Macro Cover

Agriculture is a business therefore to maximise productivity and ensure profits, the worker's health must always be a top priority. The Macro Plan is designed for small to medium to large scale commercial farmers, agroprocessors and agrospecialist firms running formal operations in the agricultural sector. It is tailor made to suit every farmer with different budgets and to support farmers by providing a product that covers all different classes of executives, managers and general workers. It also offers funeral cover with a bus as an optional addon
Membership eligibility is extended to every Zimbabwean regardless of race, age or culture and is available through application by filling an application form or digital application. Membership is open to various age groups that is
  • Children : 0 to 18 years
  • Student Child : 18 to 25 years
  • Adults: Up to 70 years

    How to pay your Contributions

    Contributions for the family 6 package are to be paid in advance either

    • Annually
    • Biannually
    • Quartely
    • or Monthly
    We offer a Farmer's Stop Order facility to allow for payments annually in advance. This is to help protect the farmer not worry about contributions payments during periods of low income. Other options for payment include ;
    • Cash payment
    • Mobile Money Transfer
    • Bank Transfer
    • or Swipe

    Family 6 Contributions have to paid on or before the 25th of every month to ensure uninterrupted service.

    • Ecocash



    • Bank

      Agricultural Medical Aid Society


      Selous Avenue



    All new members will have to physically graduate through the listed waiting periods before they utilise the benefits. The aim is to manage the risk of adverse selection and general misuse and abuse of the member contributions and ensure its overall success for the healthcare benefit of all members

    Card Issuance

    Membership of the society is confirmed upon the issuance of a membership card carrying the member's name, membership number and date of birth. Members are to always carry and present their membership cards along with valid identification when seeking treatment.


    Medical Aid with Funeral Cover - With Bus Transport

    Medical Aid with Funeral Cover - Without Bus Transport

    Package Benefits from 01 April 2022


    AGRIMED Support

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